World Water Day 2024

On World Water Day 2024, Grade 12 C students of National Public School, Rajajinagar, organized a special assembly centred on advocating for water conservation and addressing the prevalent scarcity of this vital resource, both locally and globally.

Aligned with the CBSE Board's objective of fostering environmental awareness and instilling a sense of responsibility in the youth, the assembly commenced with an introductory address that set the theme for the event. Subsequently, an informative talk ensued, highlighting key facts pertaining to water conservation. This was followed by a poignant poetry recital, jointly crafted by two students, that imparted insightful reflections in rhythmic verses.

The assembly then transitioned to a mime performance, depicting commonplace activities wherein water wastage occurs, such as brushing teeth or leaving water running after use. Through these portrayals, the stark consequences of unchecked water depletion, including dwindling bore wells and communities grappling with water scarcity, were portrayed. This rendition underscored the notion that by attending to the seemingly ordinary aspects of daily life, profound impacts can be achieved.

The culmination of the event saw the entire class unite in singing the Mission Paani anthem, encapsulating their collective message to the audience. The interactive nature of such programs fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of values, as evidenced by today's assembly.