Thyagaraja Purandaradasa Aradhane
The 3rd edition of the Aradhane took off on a divine note with the auspicious lighting of the lamp to the strains of sitar by Ritu Hemadri of Grade 5. On the occasion of the Jubilee year, the musical extravaganza took on greater significance and saw larger participation from students of Grade 4 to Grade 12!
Students of Grade 4 and 5 rendered Sree Gananatha to Padmanabha, followed by a Thyagaraja Kruthi. Students of Grade 6 to 12 sang Krishna Baro, Thamburi Meetidava, Bhagyada Lakshmi Baramma, followed by Pancha rathna Kruthis. The instrumentalists comprised flautists, violinists, veena, guitar, mandolin, keyboard and sitar players accompanied by percussionists. The audience joined in the ‘Goshti Gayana’ which added to the appeal of the program.