The school grounds at National Public School, Rajajinagar turned into an energy filled stadium on the 21st of December 2017. The parade, led by the Prefects and Vice prefects marched in synchrony with the harmonious brass band playing at their best. House after house came in for their displays with well-choreographed performances and amazing gymnastics. A shuttle relay brought in the spirit of sportsmanship and teamwork to the fore. The Zumba with 850 twinkling lights moving in coordination with peppy music was the showstopper. Winners of various sports and games were felicitated with medals and certificates. The Orion House won the overall trophy for sports and games while the Centaur House took home the trophy for the best marching and display group. The Director Dr Bindu Hari in her speech stressed on important ideas that would help parents in dealing with problems faced by their children in the use of social media.