Magical Christmas
Ho! Ho! Ho! The magical spirit of Christmas swept through the kindergarten on December 22, 2023, in National Public School, Rajajinagar. Dressed in shades of red, green and white, both teachers and students created a visually appealing atmosphere. Our little stars engaged in a Christmas tree colouring activity that added vibrant hues to the school. Children, along with their enthusiastic parents, created Christmas crafts that adorned not only the tree but also the display boards, spreading holiday cheer throughout the school. Delicious Christmas snacks brought an extra dash of sweetness, as the little ones shared a sense of joy and togetherness through delightful treats. The air resonated with the melodious jingle of Christmas carols performed by the talented kindergarteners. Teachers shared heartwarming Christmas stories aiming to instil the cultural significance of the holiday. The highlight of the day was the assembly by senior students and surprise visit from Santa Claus, Fairy and Elf, adding an element of delight for the children. As a heartfelt gesture, our creative kids crafted beautiful greeting cards, wishing their parents Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. All in all, kindergarten celebrated Christmas with a harmonious blend of creativity, festive attire and shared experiences, creating lasting memories for the young learners.