Karnataka Rajyotsava and Diwali - PY
Grade 5D students conducted a vibrant and captivating assembly, showcasing their enthusiasm for Karnataka Rajyotsava and Diwali. The students, dressed in colourful costumes, spoke about the historical significance and symbolic essence of Karnataka Rajyotsava, painting a vivid picture of the state's rich heritage. The melodies of Karnataka echoed through the assembly, creating an atmosphere of cultural celebration. Highlighting the theme of unity in diversity, the students passionately spoke about Karnataka's literary legacy and took a pledge for a brighter future. The assembly then transformed into a mesmerizing depiction of the Diwali festival through a dance, showcasing the festival's profound message. Emphasis was placed on promoting a green Diwali and fostering a sense of global unity. One of the highlights of the programme was the incorporation of various props that added a vibrant, colourful atmosphere to the celebration. The Principal, Mini Jayan congratulated the students on their excellent performance and wished the parents and students on the occasion of Karnataka Rajyotsava and Diwali. The programme concluded with the rendition of the Karnataka state anthem. It not only celebrated Karnataka's cultural heritage but also spread the message of unity, positivity, and a sustainable, inclusive future.