Day out with Dr. Bindu
On a sunlit Saturday morning, teachers were treated to a day of enrichment, relaxation, and camaraderie as they embarked on a rejuvenating training excursion nestled in the serene ambiance of the Eagleton Golf Resort. It was a meticulously planned session by Dr. Bindu and Team QTPi.
The day's activities kicked off with a warm welcome from Ms. Caroline, the head of the TTA, and Team QTPi. After a short ice-breaker session, Dr. Bindu took the stage to delve into the essence of school culture. Through a case study on indiscipline, she illustrated how every instance of student misbehavior presents an opportunity for a teachable moment. A school's culture, she stressed, serves as the nurturing soil for young minds, requiring the active participation of both teachers and students in its cultivation.
The learning continued with an address by Dean Dr. Santhamma Gopalkrishna, who distilled decades of experience into golden nuggets of advice. Her crisp talk centered on the power of words, emphasizing their influence on mindset and behavior. She cited timeless wisdom from renowned authors and concluded with an unforgettable adage, "Keep your words sweet and nice, for you may have to eat them."
Following a brief tea break, the teachers reassembled for a fascinating session on the Zeigarnik effect. This effect posits that unfinished tasks are etched more deeply into our memory than completed ones. Dr. Bindu connected this psychological phenomenon to classroom dynamics, giving an idea as to why students often struggle to recall their learning, along with methods to help them recall lessons.
The day's edutainment segment was a culinary journey titled "Lesson Planning with Bhelpuri." Teachers were divided into teams, each tasked with preparing a unique Bhelpuri dish. The conference room transformed into a mini kitchen. This hands-on activity mirrored the complexities of lesson planning. The lesson learned was that successful teaching requires meticulous planning and collaboration among students with distinct learning needs.
A delectable lunch awaited the teachers. To counteract the gastronomic indulgence, Team QTPi organized team-building activities, including a thrilling marathon treasure hunt and an intriguing jigsaw puzzle challenge. Laughter echoed through the venue as videos of participants performing humorous tasks for getting treasure hunt clues were projected.
The adorable part of the session was when teachers danced to Shakira's chart-topping hit, "Try Everything." This song and performance underscored the significance of perseverance and the value of consistently facing challenges head-on.
The takeaway from this event was not just intellectual nourishment but also the excitement of future destination training sessions. As the day transitioned into evening, a speech and a parting high tea brought a conclusion to this event.
In a single line, this was just what the Doctor ordered.