NPS Rajajinagar held the Eighth edition of the prestigious RNPSMUN. There were over 100 students who participated in this edition of the intraschool MUN which comprised of 4 diverse committees with intense and exciting agendas. It provided an enriching platform for students to delve into a variety of global and historical issues through dynamic role-play and debate.

International Press Conference (IPC): This committee explored the complex issue of self-regulation versus legal regulation. The debates were intense, with news agencies presenting fiery arguments. Their proceedings ended with a dynamic press conference that showcased the students' skills in journalism and communication. The highlight of this committee was a press conference that tested the abilities of participants from other committees to handle real-time questions and challenges. Lok Sabha: Participants engaged in robust discussions on the National Education Policy (NEP) and the NEET scandal, providing a platform for students to dive deeply into these current affairs.

United Nations Security Council (UNSC): The UNSC committee took on the longstanding Israel-Palestine conflict involving disputes over land, national identity, and historical grievances. It was accompanied by arguments and negotiations following international diplomacy and conflict resolution strategies.

Historical Joint Crisis Committee (HJCC): In a historical twist, this committee revisited the First War of Independence (1857). Students participated in debates between Indian Sepoys and the British Raj, offering an exploration into colonial history and the freedom struggle. Being a crisis committee, they dealt with many creative and interesting crisis updates which ultimately changed the course of history.

Overall, RNPSMUN 2024 reflected the depth of student engagement and the quality of discourse on a variety of issues. The event not only showcased the debate skills and historical knowledge of the delegates but also highlighted their ability to navigate complex international and national issues with grace and insight.