National Science Day 2022
Every year 28th February is celebrated as National Science Day to honour our celebrated Indian Scientist, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman. On this day in 1928, he discovered a phenomenon of scattering of photons which was later known as ‘Raman Effect’.
After two years in 1930, he got Nobel Prize for this remarkable discovery and this was the first Nobel Prize for India in the field of science. To mark the discovery of his famous phenomenon National Science Day is celebrated in India on the day each year. Raman Effect is discovered by the eminent physicist while working in the laboratory of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata. Raman Effect, a phenomenon in spectroscopy is change in the wavelength of light that occurs when a light beam is deflected by molecules.
The theme this year was Integrated Approach in science and technology for a sustainable future.
At National Public school Rajajinagar, it was a week-long celebration with an objective to widely spread a message about the significance of scientific applications in the daily life of the people and to display all the activities, efforts and achievements in the field of science for welfare of human being. We marked the beginning of the week on 22nd Feb 2022 with a scienceperia puzzle followed by “Caption the picture” competition on 23rd Feb.
Bulletin board decoration on 24th Feb turned out to be an interesting competition wherein sections of grades six, seven and eight competed for winning the best presentation based on the given theme. Grade 6 worked on water conservation, Grade 7 on conservation of wildlife and grade 8 on space exploration.
Learners worked on different experiments at school labs and at home and presented them for their respective classes. A compiled presentation of experiments, speech and role plays marked the culmination of science week on 28th February 2022.